Shield of Lies: Star Wars (The Black Fleet Crisis): Book 2 (Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy - Legends)

Shield of Lies: Star Wars (The Black Fleet Crisis): Book 2 (Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy - Legends)-图片

As Leia must deal with a new threat to the  fragile alliance that binds the New Republic, Lando  becomes a prisoner aboard a runaway spacecraft of  unknown origin. The ship is following an unstoppable  path to its homeworld, destroyed by Imperial  forces. Luke continues his quest to learn more about  his mother among the Fallanassi, where his every  belief about the use of the Force is about to be  challenged. And while Leia ponders a diplomatic  solution to the aggression of the fierce Yevetha race,  Han pilots a spy ship into the heart of Yevethan  space and finds himself a hostage on one of the  vast fleet of warships under the command of a  ruthless leader.

Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!

Shield of Lies: Star Wars (The Black Fleet Crisis)-图片
Shield of Lies:_0553572776 ¥49.71
Shield of Lies: Star Wars (The Black Fleet Crisis)
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