Quit Smoking Success is a must read for every smoker with a desire to quit. This book is full of practical advice to help you prepare for quitting and stay quit for good. You can live your life without smoking Quit Smoking Success: Describes in detail the intricacies of addiction Explains how to begin the quitting process Extensively examines Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), breaking it down by product and explaining the various pros and cons of each Explains the reasoning behind why NRT should be used Unfolds Stress Management with a twist that is sure to be news to you Gives advice on how to defeat the excuses that are keeping you from quitting Analyzes common pitfalls that cause people to resume smoking, and gives abundant suggestions on how to avoid these pitfalls Discusses Faith and the role it plays in the quitting process Quit Smoking Success is upbeat, practical and very effective. Read it today and it will be sure to have a profound impact on your life