Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep Brain Stimulation-图片

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is increasingly used for the treatment of patients with severe Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders, but the technique and science behind it is still poorly understood by most clinicians. This book is intended to provide an overview of the use of deep brain stimulation for movement disorders and provide an introduction to the developing arena of DBS for psychiatric disease. The first part of the book covers the varying surgical techniques involved in implanting electrodes into various deep nuclei within the brain. The neurophysiological techniques involved in this process and the complex issue of programming the implanted stimulator in order to optimise therapeutic efficacy and minimise stimulation induced adverse effects. The second part of the book describes how to select appropriate patients for DBS and describes the results of DBS treatment for Parkinson's disease, dystonia and various tremors, as well as psychiatric conditions. Edited by three of the world's leading experts in the DBS field, this pocketbook will provide neurologists, trainees and specialist nurses with an overview of the therapeutics use of DBS

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这是一款可以像项链一样戴在脖子上的便携式负离子产生器。本产品打破了原始的通过 滤网或是水净化的原理,通过产生负离子将空气中的浮游粒子击碎或使其变小,杯击碎 变小的浮游粒子不会对人体产生伤害,从而...
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【产品品牌】SESAMETEC 三色米###【可选颜色】雅光黑、科技蓝、柠檬黄、玫瑰红###【产品设计】车载氧吧 补充负离子、高效杀菌除尘 去除PM2.5###核心技术】车载氧吧 专利设计、蓝牙...
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【产品品牌】SESAMETEC 三色米###【可选颜色】雅光黑、科技蓝、柠檬黄、玫瑰红###【产品设计】车载氧吧 补充负离子、高效杀菌除尘 去除PM2.5###核心技术】车载氧吧 专利设计、蓝牙...