With a Teaspoon of Sugar and a Hint of Lemon.

With a Teaspoon of Sugar and a Hint of Lemon.-图片

Given the increasing number of foreign-born faculty in U.S. colleges and universities and a general acknowledgement of the role of a diversified faculty in promoting students' learning, many institutions are exploring effective organizational strategies to recruit, retain, and develop faculty from other cultural backgrounds. This study, emerging from limited existing literature on experiences of foreign-born faculty in the United States and relevant theories of organizational behaviors, investigates foreign-born faculty's organizational attachment to their employing institution and explores institutional and individual factors that affect their attachment by looking into how foreign-born faculty made meaning of their work experiences at a U.S. research university. This study employs qualitative interviews and document analysis as the primary research methods. The findings revealed that (1) foreign-born faculty generally feel alienated from the majority and demonstrate passive organizational attachment; (2) institutional factors are identified to impact foreign-born faculty's organizational attachment, including organizational culture, unit demographic composition, perceived organizational support, perceived external prestige, and perceived effectiveness of institutional initiatives; (3) personal factors are identified to impact foreign-born faculty's organizational attachment, including organizational tenure/career stage, national culture, gender, foreign-born faculty's attitude toward diversity, and acculturation. The results of the study provide insight into the experiences of foreign-born faculty and shed light on institutional policy making and implementation concerning the recruitment, retention, and development of foreign-born faculty at higher educational institutions in the United States.

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【产品品牌】SESAMETEC 三色米###【可选颜色】雅光黑、科技蓝、柠檬黄、玫瑰红###【产品设计】车载氧吧 补充负离子、高效杀菌除尘 去除PM2.5###核心技术】车载氧吧 专利设计、蓝牙...