The ABC's of Raising a Successful Student: A Meaningful Companion for Parents, Students and Educators

The ABC's of Raising a Successful Student: A Meaningful Companion for Parents, Students and Educators-图片

ABC's represent the simple things we know and things we should learn to help our children become the best students they can be. Ideas presented in this book are both essential and practical, ensuring that every student who adheres to them achieves his or her maximum academic potential. The ABC's of Raising A Successful Student unlocks the secrets of getting better grades in school. The Letters ABCDF are standard letters used to grade our students today. The letters ABC as used in the title of this book represent grades which students can expect to get if they follow its prescription. The prescription includes important tools that have been proven to work for both parents and students. Dr. Nandi has wrapped up these research-based strategies concisely for any parent who is looking for ways to connect and get involved in his or her child's education.

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