Futurize Your Enterprise: Business Strategy in the Age of the E-Customer

Futurize Your Enterprise: Business Strategy in the Age of the E-Customer-图片

Praise for Futurize Your Enterprise "David Siegel has taken the New Economy to an exciting new level. Futurize Your Enterprise is packed with management insights and a philosophy that celebrates life online." - Eric Schmidt, CEO, Novell "Siegel’s principles are a roadmap to the future. The limiting factor online is not the pace of technology but the pace of perception." - Jane Metcalfe, founder, Wired Ventures Inc. "David Siegel’s vision of the future is a gift. When I look forward to the changes ahead, this is what I envision. A future where companies co-exist with customers in an expandable, renewable relationship. Managers: you will love this book!" - Susan Rockrise, Worldwide Creative Director, Intel "The next revolution on the Internet will be a management revolution. David Siegel shows how your customers will change your company, whether you were planning to reorganize or not!" - Steve Schaffer, CEO, Mystery.net "David Siegel uses a people-centered, commonsense approach to take the Web from the realm of hype into practical reality." - John Porter, Chairman, Telos Group About the companion web site This book comes with a companion web site, where you can get all the tools you need to construct a customer-led web strategy. It’s designed to go hand-in-hand with this book.

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