Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology

Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology-图片

This authoritative encyclopedia helps to master the large variety of physical phenomena and technological aspects involved in laser technology and the wider field of photonics. Besides explaining in detail the physical principles and common techniques of laser operation, it also addresses such supplementary topics as ultrashort pulses, optical communications, optoelectronics, general optics, and quantum optics. References to selected scientific articles and textbooks aid readers in their further studies, and the cross-disciplinary approach makes this encyclopedia of huge benefit to a wide audience in industry, government, and academic research.

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【产品品牌】SESAMETEC 三色米###【可选颜色】雅光黑、科技蓝、柠檬黄、玫瑰红###【产品设计】车载氧吧 补充负离子、高效杀菌除尘 去除PM2.5###核心技术】车载氧吧 专利设计、蓝牙...